Wednesday 30 March 2016

1st Birthday Party Invite

How was everyone's long weekend?  Mine was pretty good,hubby went fishing Friday and caught some fish which we took with us to a BBQ at a friends place on Saturday then my son, daughter and her partner came over for Easter Sunday lunch (they loved the mini cob loaves I made them each) we had a BBQ with sausages and I made some rissoles, salad and fresh buns, was very yummy.  Gave them a container full of chocolate goodies (the reason for the container so they had something useful after they finished their goodies :) )  Monday we started painting one of our bathrooms and the laundry. So was busy but had fun!

Have been asked to make 40 1st birthday invites. She didn't know what she wanted so I came up with this.....

What do you think?

Have a great day.

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