Tuesday 27 December 2016

Merry Christmas

Hi Everyone

Hope you are all enjoying your holiday break.  I haven't been on lately as I had 2 weeks at a new job, a step daughters 21st then off on holidays which is where I am now.  Visiting my Mum and Dad who live at Zilzie, Queensland.  I grew up in this area but my husband didn't so I have been showing him around a little bit this visit, after we worked on my house I have near this area that we are trying to sell.
This is my husband pulling the kitchen apart so we can paint the cupboard doors, as you can see they are quite pink!

Now they are a lovely white thanks to my handy man husband.

 The white paint just brightened up the kitchen and hopefully will appeal more to a buyer :)

This is my lovely husband.  The top photo is in Emu Park at the Singing Ship and the bottom photo is at Rosslyn Bay.

Well I am being called to help out with our meal so I will sign off but before I do I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

'Til we craft again,


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